As our internship comes to a close we have to say goodbye to that aspect, but we hope that our modules and information collected is used by the amazing teachers out there. Who know’s our pilot project could surprise us and we may be able to match more than two teachers. But for now we will have to say See you later, not goodbye, because we hope to be back connecting teachers.

We just have to take a slight pause as we finish our degrees and have a little fun over the summer. We hope that you play, share and create with the modules we have built. You can even share them with parents so they could have a fun and engaging activity to do over the summer.

If you do use and modify the modules we would love it if you could use the hashtag #creatingyouthchangemakers when sharing photos of the curriculum so other teachers can see the ways they have been adapted. We do ask that all children’s faces be blurred or not included to protect their safety when sharing photos.

– Stephanie, Missy, & Cas