Module One Exploring Your City

The Developer Series

What are the barriers to child-friendly cities?


The Child Friendly Cities Initiative

The Hard Shoulder Highlights

How do you make a city ‘child friendly’?

National Museum Australia

Creating child-friendly cities: lessons from Monstropolis

Module Two Gardening & Farming

TED Education

How can we eat our landscapes

Practical(ly) Zero Waste

Community Gardens

Food, Garden, Life

Teaching Life Skills in a Garden Classroom

Humans Growing Stuff

Bringing Families into the Garden

Module Three Placemaking & Play

Emerging Minds Podcast

The Power of Play

Feed Play Love

Why we need to let our children take risks

Door Ways To Sustainable Schools

Loose Parts and Risk Taking: Improving Children’s Play with Cath Prisk of Outdoor People

Invisible Cities

Can Computers Plan Our Cities? The Art and Science of Planning

The Child and Nature Alliance

Empowering Youth and Communities Through Unstructured Play in Nature


Placemaking in relation to Sport and Culture – Laska Nenova


Placemaking and Storytelling – Levente Polyak

Module Four Connecting to Your City

TED Education

How teachers can help kids find their political voices

Shifting Our Schools

Creating Global Citizens with Steve Murphy       Podcast Presentation Slides

The Essence of Teaching

Teaching Children to Become Responsible Decision Makers

But Why

Why Can’t Kids Vote?

Practical(ly) Zero Waste

Kids Taking Action


The Outdoor Education Podcast