We hope that as teachers begin to use the modules and share with each other they gain a classroom partnership. This could look different for every teacher. Perhaps you collaborate and change up the base modules we have made, or you integrate part of that country/city/community’s culture or teachings into it. The possibilities can be endless if you let your minds be creative.

Photo Credit: https://locallove.ca/changemakers/what-does-changemaker-mean/#.YG1ddhRKj9E

If you do modify and add to the modules we have we would love it if you are sharing photos of the adaptations without any children’s faces, that you use the hashtag #creatingyouthchangemakers so other teachers can see what you have done. I know that as we have created our modules we have researched and looked at lots of curriculum that other teachers have made to give us inspiration.

– Stephanie, Cas, & Missy