Global Community Lab
This is a fantastic resource that is designed as a networking space for collaborative placemaking that promotes spatial justice and community engagement.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
The Children’s Version
This document explains to children what their rights are and what the governments role and responsibilities are. These rights are extremely important and cannot be taken away from any child.
The Power of Placemaking 
Placemaking facilitates a collective vision of the physical, cultural, and the social identify of the area. This website was created by Missy Caswell and explores the transformation of the learning environment prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Socio-Spatial Shift in Classroom Learning
The environment of a classroom has been a community that has been ever changing for hundred’s of years. Each classroom has made room for children to have a place to explore, learn and grow from the environment around them. The connections they make inside the classroom translate to greater connections and a sense of belonging within their communities and at home
Right to Play
This organization works with communities to support children through the power of play. Some of the ways they offer opportunities for learning through play is by incorporating games, sport, creative and free play into their daily lives.
Outdoor Play Canada
This organization is a network of advocates who are dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving access to play outdoors in Canada. The tools and information provided is designed to help support outdoor play in our own communities.
Oliver’s Staycation
This is an interactive story about cities, communities and how Covid-19 has changes spaces. This beautiful story was created by the talented Dr. Cherie Enns of the University of the Fraser Valley.
Child in the City
This site is dedicated to strengthening the position of children in cities, promoting and protecting their rights, connecting people through the exchange of research.
Bernardo’s helps children through the trauma of sexual abuse and exploitation by supporting young people in care after they leave the foster system. They have a team of specialist workers who support families through domestic abuse, mental health problems, prison sentences, asylum seeking and much more. They are working to amplify the voices of young people to influence Government on the issues that affect their lives, fighting their corner and making sure their voices are heard.
UNICEF – The Necessity of Urban Green Space for Children’s Optimal Development
Every child should have be within easy walking distance from safe public green space. This document outlines the recommended interventions focus on empowering communities to claim and maintain their local green spaces, securing government support to improve and create green space in cities, and prioritizing schools and child care centers for greening.
Child Friendly Cardiff
Cardiff works with the UK Committee for UNICEF’s Child Friendly Cities and Communities Initiative to ensure that cities acknowledge the rights of children and young people and listen to their voices and input so that they have a great place to grow up in.
This link contains valuable training resources for those working with children who want to help young people develop their skills and capacities in shaping their communities.
National Institute of Urban Affairs
The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), has undertaken an initiative in partnership with the Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF), a private grant making foundation based in the Netherlands, to build Child Friendly Smart Cities (CFSC) in India within the urban agenda of building smart cities. The goal of this initiative is to mainstream the needs of children in the urban policy and planning framework of Indian cities.
United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UN entities, international and regional organizations and stakeholders have gained in-depth knowledge and expertise and taken innovative steps towards implementing this ambitious global framework.  
Many inspiring breakthroughs and success stories are showing results and impacts all over the world, and several good practices can be replicated and scaled up to address existing gaps and constraints. Bringing this global expertise to scale will be critical to support recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic and to accelerate progress towards the Decade of Action to deliver the SDGs.
Outdoor Classroom Day
Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day. On two days of action each year, teachers take children outdoors to play and learn. All year round, the Outdoor Classroom Day community campaigns for more time outdoors every day.
Brussoni Lab
Dr. Mariana Brussoni and her research team are dedicated to studying child injury prevention and children’s outdoor play. This research looks at the influence of parents, outdoor environments, as well as policies to promote children’s outdoor play.
Happy City

Happy City is an urban planning and design consultancy that works to create healthier, happier and more inclusive communities.
EEPSA: Environmental Educators Provincial Specialists Association
EEPSA is a dynamic volunteer organization promoting networking, curriculum support, and leadership in environmental education supported by the BCTF.
Megan Zeni
A wonderful guide to implementing outdoor learning into your classroom and curriculum. Megan provides information about teaching outdoors, inclement weather strategies, risky play, outdoor classrooms and communities, funding and much more.
Placemaking India
We are Placemaking India, a self-organized network of architects, urban designers, planners, researchers and bloggers, geographers, heritage conservationists, citizen intermediaries, social workers, and local and regional government administrators.